Authentication problems with netatmo

Due to a technical change on the part of the netatmo infrastructure, it is necessary to install and use the latest myatmo version available in the App Store.

Old versions of myatmo are no longer supported due to the changes to the netatmo authentication, an update of these old myatmo versions is not possible.

It is therefore essential to update to the latest version of myatmo. If you are using an old iOS version that is no longer supported by the latest myatmo version, you must update iOS or use myatmo on a device that has the latest iOS version installed. Due to technical limitations of old iOS systems, it is not possible to provide the latest myatmo version on outdated iOS versions.

 How is the ventilation recommendation calculated?


myatmo displays little window symbols for ventilation recommendations. The recommendation is calculated from

  • Outside humidity
  • Outside temperature

  • Inside humidity
  • Inside temperature

Based on those values myatmo calculates the expected inside humidity after verntilation of the room. The calculations serve the purpose of preventing the formation of mold indoors and do not take into account the CO2 concentration but only the values mentioned above.

Article details

Article ID: 51

Category: English