Welcome to myatmo, the alternative iOS app for netatmo weather stations

myatmo for netatmo weather stations

myatmo is an alternative iOS app for your netatmo weather station, with detailed charts and a user-friendly design, including Apple Watch App and Widgets. No other app for the netatmo weather station offers as much as myatmo.

Upgrade your netatmo weather station with myatmo and discover the variety and informational content of a plethora of metrics in beautiful, feature-rich and interactive charts. Not without reason many myatmo users call myatmo the 'unofficial official' app for netatmo weather stations!

Download myatmo im iTunes App Store



Please check our FAQ / Knowledgebase BEFORE (!!!) contacting us! There we have compiled a huge list of questions and answers to the most important issues that might occur while using myatmo.

No general netatmo support

If you have any questions about your netatmo hardware, if your readings are incorrect, or if there is another problem with your netatmo weather station: please contact the netatmo customer service at http://support.netatmo.com - we (as developer of the myatmo app) offer NO general customer service for the netatmo weather station, other netatmo hardware and/or netatmo software. Such requests remain unanswered by us.

Authentication problems with netatmo

Due to a technical change on the part of the netatmo infrastructure, it is necessary to install and use the latest myatmo version available in the App Store.

Old versions of myatmo are no longer supported due to the changes to the netatmo authentication, an update of these old myatmo versions is not possible.

It is therefore essential to update to the latest version of myatmo. If you are using an old iOS version that is no longer supported by the latest myatmo version, you must update iOS or use myatmo on a device that has the latest iOS version installed. Due to technical limitations of old iOS systems, it is not possible to provide the latest myatmo version on outdated iOS versions.

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